District 1-BK Lions

Active Rooms
Educational Materials
1-BK Important Documents
PAST News & Info
2024-2025 District Officers
Let the Lions Roar!

District 1-BK Lions of Illinois


Official website of District 1-BK Lions

This is the official website of the
District 1-BK Lions!



All Clubs, please post your news, events, info and pictures by using the link at the top right of the website!


Mission 1.5 - We're on a drive to get to 1.5 million members. And, it starts with you!

Learn More.


JOIN our District email list to receive weekly
Monday morning updates; invite ALL Lions to join, too:

  1. To login to our secure Members Only area, request login credentials from our Cabinet Secretary,
    Lion Karen Zink, at zinklions@gmail.com.
  2. To receive our weekly District 1-BK eMail update, send email addresses to IT Chair Lion Nate Schad at nateschad@gmail.com.
  3. Please send all site comments, questions, suggestions and concerns to IT Chair at nateschad@gmail.com.