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MD1 Lions Cybersecurity Alert - Phishing Protection for Lions

1BK- Lions,

eMail phishing has become a common scam all around the world, and Lions members are not immune from being phished.  Everyone is target because everyone has something of value to criminals whether it be online access to yours or your club's bank account or individually identifiable information that can be used to open accounts in your name.  Phishing attacks have more doubled in the last year for these two simple reasons:

1.  It is cost-effective for the criminal.  Sending email is cheap.  Criminals look for risk vs. reward and ROI just as any prudent organization or individual does.
2.  It works.  Unfortunately, people will always be the weakest link in any equation.

Please do everything you can to stay a step or two ahead of the hackers and criminals, to protect yourself and your family, your club, district and MD and stay out of the headlines.

LCI has a section on their website regarding phishing protection for Lions.  Please take a moment to view it here:  http://members.lionsclubs.org/EN/resources/phishing-protection.php

An additional excellent resource for you is on SAN.ORG website here:   https://www.sans.org/security-resources/posters/target/100/download
And subscribe to their OUCH eNewsletter here:  https://securingthehuman.sans.org/resources/newsletters/ouch/2017

Any questions, let me know.

Lion Tom Drez

1BK/MD1 IT Chairperson
Home Club:  Lemont (1BK)

Another test.
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