1BK Convention Announcement & Press Release -- Mark Your Calendars
Apr-11-2025 |
Lions of Illinois District 1BK Announcement and Press Release
Lions--Mark your calendars now for the annual District Lions Convention to be held April 11-12, 2025 at the Bolingbrook Holiday. Our special guest speaker will be International Director Chris Carlone of the Louisiana Lions. Please see attached press release and mark your calendars now. Invite all the Lions in your club, too!!
This will be convention of "Superheroes for Service"!
NOTICE: 2025-2026 Global Action Team Chairperson Positions Applications Now Open
Jan-31-2025 |
NOTICE: 2025-2026 Council Chairperson Applications Now Open
Jan-31-2025 |
Beecher Lions Club 24th Annual "Breakfast With Santa"
Dec-08-2024 |
Join us for our 24th Annual "Breakfast With Santa" at the Beecher Amvet Hall from 8am - noon.
Five settings and reservations are required. All kids receive a stocking stuffed with goodies! Raffles and more!
Last year we served over 400 people!
1BK December 2024 Newsletter
Nov-30-2024 |
THE DECEMBER LIONS OF IL 1BK ISSUE NOW AVAILABLE --------------------------------------------------------------
Here is the December 2024 Issue of the Lions of IL District 1BK Newsletter, courtesy of our fabulous Newsletter Editor and Communications Chairperson Lion John Joseph Honiotes. Every issue celebrates all of our 59 clubs and nearly 1,800 Lions and the services they provide every day in their community. It is also jam packed with useful information related to membership and leadership, other resources, and greater Lionism, too. It is a must read for all Lions!!
DG Tom
#WeServe #1BKLions #SuperheroesForService #MakeYourMark
1BK Updated Cabinet Treasurer and Secretary Contact Info
Nov-11-2024 |
Attention all 1-BK Clubs.
Our District has new Lions in the Cabinet Treasurer and Cabinet Secretary positions. Please send your related district business, reports, checks, correspondence, questions, etc. to the below contacts, as necessary:
November 2024 - Make Your Mark District 1-BK newsletter
Nov-05-2024 |
Informing, supporting, and inspiring!
Please share your activities with us to help others learn from your club's successes and allowing us to acknowledge the fantastic work you're doing in your neighborhoods.
What's in this issue:
- Life is relationships - DG Tom, 1VDG Denise and 2VDG Jama want to meet you.
- Join otherSuperheroes for Service!
- Could you use $1000?
- Helpful Leadership and Membership updates?
- RIP Godfather Siefert - serving others was something Charlie couldn't refuse.
- Do you have a willingness to care?
- See if you club is in line to achieve the excellence award.
- Holiday food pantry ideas
- Leos are our future. Get your starter kit!
- What's happening around the district!
- Save the date - USA/Canada Leadership Forum.
- What your $290 can do for LIF camps.
Thank you to Lion John Joseph Honiotes for his time and effort to put together an informative and engaging newsletter!
MD1 November Newsletter
Nov-04-2024 |
View the MD1 newsletter using the link below.
MD1 2024-2025 Important Dates (as of 11-02-2024)
Nov-03-2024 |
1BK District Directory Components
Nov-03-2024 |
Interested in Being District 2nd Vice District Governor?
Nov-03-2024 |
See attached duties of the Second Vice District Governor to be elected at our April 2025 annual district convention. Interested or have any questions, please contact DG Tom at tom@drez.net or 630-240-5024.
DG Tom
*** ALL 1BK 11-02-24 Cabinet Meeting Reports ***
Nov-03-2024 |
Hope to see all clubs represented at the District Team/Cabinet meeting in Bonfield Saturday morning!
DG Tom
PLEASE RSVP NOW for 1BK 2nd Cabinet Mtg on 11/2 @ Bonfield Lions
Nov-02-2024 |
PLEASE RSVP NOW to 1VDG Denise at liondenise22zc@gmail.com. Co,ming up fast. Would love to see everyh club represented at the meeting. It is a large meet, greet and eat!!
All clubs and Lions welcome to attend. Please consider attending.
The info and agenda and other file attachments can be found on our website at www.1bklions.org in the HOT NEWS section.
DG Tom
2024/25 1-BK Governor's Official Visit Request Form
Oct-28-2024 |
2024/25 1-BK Governor's Official Visit Request Form
UPDATED 1BK Team-Cabinet Members (as of 10-24-2024)
Oct-24-2024 |